Saturday, October 6, 2018

Stay Tuned....

     Hey there folks.  So...  It's been a while.  A few years in fact.  Let me explain what happened.  I had been doing this blog for over a year.  At first I had lots of ideas and I enjoyed writing about them.  I did the Top Movies That Made Me Who I Am.  That was fun!  I did retrospectives of the Friday the 13th series, Nightmare on Elm Street, heck, even Critters!!!  Sadly though, I got burned out.  When I first started I was doing at least a write-up a week.  Doesn't sound like much, right?  Look at those Youtube celebrities that do a video each week with special effects or lots of editing.  That's harder, right?

    As someone that decided they weren't cut out for editing or directing by going to film school and trying it, I will admit, yes, it's much harder.  But that's obvious.  I'm a huge procrastinator, especially when unmotivated, and after a while I saw the visitors to my blog dwindle.  I felt like if no one was gonna read what I wrote, why do all the work.  And there was a lot of work involved.  See, I didn't just rewatch these movies.  I watched, took notes, rewatched the movie with a commentary if available, looked peer reviewed research and watched all the making-ofs and retrospectives I could find.  It took a lot of time to do just one film.  So I slowed down and in the middle of reviewing the Child's Play films, I stopped.  I was getting one or two views on my blog, and I knew who those two people were.  It was... depressing.

    Now, the question asked is, why did you not go back to it after the burn-out?  Well, I almost did numerous times.  I even announced it on Facebook a few times.  I'd always watch the movie I was gonna talk about and then I wouldn't feel any inspiration.  I think I just hit a wall.  I felt I had nothing to talk about.  Things are changing now, though.

     Fast forward 2 years.  I now work at my first full time job.  I've worked it for one and half years.  I own my own house now.  I've started to enjoy movies again (not many new ones, though).  I may not have the free time I used to, as I usually work 10 hour days, sometimes longer, and by time I get home I have time to eat, get a bath, maybe watch an episode of some show or something, then go to bed.  And that's if I work 10 hours or less.  But I do feel this urge to share again.  So I have decided I will.

    This blog is officially off hiatus, but it won't be completely the same as it was.  Movies will probably still dominate my posts.  They are my biggest love.  However, expect to see some stuff on music I like or theme parks or books even.  I don't want to get burned out talking about movies again.  I mean, sure, it could be that the horror series that I left off on didn't have as much material for me to write about.  The Chucky films for the most part do not have making-ofs or commentaries for me to draw anecdotes from.  But neither did Critters, but I had fun doing those.  Basically whatever strikes my fancy will be talked about here, besides politics, which I follow heavily as well.

     I will warn you.  There may be longish gaps between posts.  As stated above, I work a lot.  I'm tired a lot when I'm not working.  And I do have other hobbies as well.  Just... don't expect 3 blogs a week unless I'm having a manic episode or something.   I do have some fun retrospectives lined up.  The Disney Animated Classics, Godzilla films, Universal Horror, Hammer Horror, a redo of my top 50 favorite albums...  Reviews of theme parks I've been to.  Maybe if I ever finish one, I'll do one on a video game!  But to start with, seeing as it's October now and there's another sequel on the way...

    Yes, I'll be doing retrospectives on the Halloween films!  (Damn it, that means I have to watch Halloween Resurrection again.)  However, I believe I talked about the original film either once or twice way back on this same blog.  You can just read that.  I wrote it when I was still fresh, and I think I can't top it.  So we'll be starting with 1981's Halloween II.  Look for it, hopefully, tomorrow.  I've done the research, I just have to re-watch the film tonight.

    Feel free to read the old blog posts too!  There's quite a bit there, and I'm surprised at the amount of Youtube embeds that still work.  Some of the posters and pictures need to be re-uploaded though.  Maybe I'll get to those some day.  Not today though.  It's dinner time.  See ya soon!

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